2022-2023 Girls Travel

Girls U8

The Week Ahead

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday
Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon

Team Feed


Scott Corning

2 years ago

Merrimack vs BU Women's Hockey Game!!

Hi Parents,

Attached is the flyer for the women's Merrimack vs BU hockey game on Friday October 28th at 6pm. I know the u8 team has already planned to attend, but the rest of the AHA girls will also be in the mix. Your whole family is invited.

For seating, you'll be prompted to choose a section when buying tickets. Pick any section as there will be plenty of seats to pick from once you enter the rink.

There will be costume contests and post game autographs to meet the players.

Kids are encouraged to wear their AHA jerseys and whatever costume / face paint you see fit. The adult refreshment stand will also be open for the parents.

We hope you are able to attend as we are trying to build a relationship between AHA and the Merrimack women's program. Merrimack players will begin attending our girls practices next week. Thanks.



Scott Corning

2 years ago

Save the date!!

AHA is fortunate to have a few players from the Merrimack women's hockey team help our girls program by running a few on ice practices this season, fun!! Your team's schedule has been updated with the dates the Merrimack girls will be on the ice with your team. We'll figure out additional dates once the post Thanksgiving practice schedules are assigned.

In return, we are asking our AHA families to help support the Merrimack women's team by attending a few games throughout their season. Friday October 28th at 6pm Merrimack is hosting BU at Lawler arena. We are asking families to attend if your schedule allows. The tickets will be cheap, the rink is around the corner, and the hockey will likely exceed your expectations.

Specifics will follow regarding tickets and the game will have a Halloween theme. We ask any AHA players in attendance to wear your AHA game jerseys and any Halloween costumes or face paint you see fit.

This will be a fun addition to our girls program this season and hope you are able to participate. Thank you.


Stephen Winsor
Head Coach
(781) 983-6152

Michaela Balford
Team Manager
(978) 273-5482

Alex Balford
Assistant Coach

Bryan Conley
Assistant Coach

Scott Corning
Assistant Coach

Brian Montgomery
Assistant Coach

Michaela Balford
Assistant Coach

Tracy Beasley
Assistant Coach

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