Girls Travel (U-8 to U-14)

AHA travel hockey program for girls. U8, U10 and U12 programs participate in either the Valley Hockey League or Middlesex Yankee Girls Hockey League (MYGHL); U14 participate in MYGHL. U8 plays cross-ice 4v4.


Girls U8 ages 6-8.

Girls U10 ages 9-10.

Girls U12 ages 11-12.

Girls U14 ages 13-14.


September - April


All practices to be held at Phillips Academy Ice Rinks 254 S. Main St., Andover


Practices are generally held twice a week in the late afternoon or evening during the season. Occasional weekend practices depending on ice availability.


Games start in early September and run through late March/early April. U8s play approximately 20-25 games per season and will participate in the Heseltine Thanksgiving Tournament. Girls U10-U14 play approximately 30-40 including tournaments to be determined at the start of each season.


Jerseys and socks are provided to each player.


Please see the registration page for further details.

2025-2026 GIRLS TRAVEL

Registration for the 2025-2026 GIRLS Youth Travel Hockey Program only includes the registration fee ($250) at this time.

The registration fee is non-refundable. If your child chooses not to be part of AHA for the 2025-2026 season, your only charge will be for the registration fee.

After tryouts the week of March 10,  your child will be sent a placement offer by April 18th. If your child chooses to be part of AHA for the 2025-2026 season, the credit card on file will be charged once you accept your offer. You will have the option to pay the season in full or in installments. There is no need to register again for the actual season. Your entire registration fee will be applied to the 2025-2026 tuition.

For skaters, the registration fee is $250; for goalies, the registration fee is $20.

For any questions, please contact the AHA Registrar at

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