Alternates Policy

AHA Alternate Policies for Youth Teams

As amended May 22, 2023


A. Coed Youth Teams

As a commitment to our full time players, AHA does not allow Alternate Skaters on Coed Youth Travel teams.  While exceptions will be considered for extraordinary situations, no player shall be permitted to be registered as an Alternate for an AHA Coed Youth team without the prior approval of the Board. Exceptions to be considered include: not enough players to complete a team; beginner/transitional players; a family that moves to Andover mid-season; a custody issue where the player will miss half the games; and recruiting a player back towards the end of a season with a commitment that they will sign up as a full time player the next season. 

B. Girls Youth Teams

Alternate Skaters will be permitted on all Girls Youth teams. The use and/or need for Alternate Skaters for the Girls Youth program will be evaluated annually by the Board of Directors.

C. Alternates Procedure 

Players requesting to be Alternate Skaters shall indicate so when registering. Alternate Skaters will be placed on a team based on their skill level as determined by the Age Level Director and Placements Committee.  To the extent a player is an Alternate Skater, they can attend all AHA full ice practices and those games for which they are needed (as determined by their Head Coach). Alternate Skaters will not be permitted to attend any skills sessions conducted by outside vendors (i.e., Elev802, XP, Empower Hockey). The cost for Alternate Skaters shall be 25% of the tuition for that program plus uniform fees. There will be NO REFUNDS at any time for Alternate Skaters and PAYMENT WILL BE DUE IN FULL upon registering prior to the commencement of the season.  


Goalies at all age levels shall be allowed to register as Alternates and will be placed on teams based on their skill and talent level as determined by the Goalie Director and Placements Committee. As with Alternate Skaters, there is no guarantee that Alternate Goalies will be used during games, and their use is at the discretion of the Head Coach, who shall not be permitted to use an Alternate Goalie if that team’s full time Goalie is available. Alternate Goalies can attend all AHA full ice practices but will not be permitted to attend any skills sessions conducted by outside vendors (i.e., Elev802, XP, Empower Hockey) and are not eligible for reimbursement for GDS fees by AHA. The cost for Alternate Goalies shall be 50% of the Goalie tuition for that program plus uniform fees. There will be NO REFUNDS at any time for Alternate Goalies and PAYMENT WILL BE DUE IN FULL upon rostering prior to the commencement of the season.  

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