Refund and Installment Payment Plan Policies

As a non-profit organization, AHA incurs significant expenses throughout the course of the season, including ice rental, league fees, player development and skills as well as uniforms and equipment. Therefore, in order to successfully plan, it is imperative that AHA has accurate information regarding the number of committed players that intend to play to adequately determine an appropriate number of teams and coaches for the upcoming season.

In order to facilitate this process, the following policies (which will be strictly adhered to and enforced) are in effect for all players:

•     Registration Fee:

o    The registration fee will vary by program.

o    The registration fee is non-refundable.

o    The registration fee will be applied as a credit towards the season’s program cost/tuition.

•     Refund policy:

o    Parents will have seven (7) calendar days after receipt of their player's "offer" email (the “Due Date”) to notify AHA in writing (to with a copy to and of their intent to withdraw from the upcoming season. If a player fails to notify AHA of their intent to withdraw, in writing, by the Due Date then the player will be charged the lump sum of tuition owed.

o    Full payment is required before the start of the season’s program, otherwise player may not be able to participate and play in the program. No refunds will be offered once payments are processed unless player qualifies for a refund under a refund policy stated herein. No exceptions.

o    A refund less a 5% administration and jersey fee will be issued if the refund is requested before the Due Date for the Coed and Girls Travel, HSHS, and MHL programs.

o    A refund less a 5% administration and jersey fee will be issued if the refund is requested before the third (3rd) session for the Learn to Skate / Learn to Play programs.

o    No pro-rated refund will be issued unless the player qualifies for a refund under a refund policy stated herein. No exceptions.

o    For any and all other AHA events/programs, no refund will be provided, except in the event of cancellation by AHA.

o    Refund request due to player illness or injury is subject to finance committee review. The finance committee will consider a prorated refund (less a 5% administration and jersey fee) if the request is made with a written opinion of a medical doctor stating that the player is unable to participate in hockey related activities for a period of at least six (6) weeks. Example: if a player cannot play for a period of four (4) weeks due to injury, no refund will be issued.

o    Refund requests not mentioned above are subject to finance committee review and discretion.

o    No refund will be issued due to any player or family scheduling conflicts.

o    To the extent a refund is provided, it will be prorated (less a 5% administration and jersey fee). No exceptions.

•      Policy regarding declined, disputed, late and/or missed charges/payments:

o    If a charge/payment is disputed, a 5% administration fee plus an additional/incremental $25 fee will be charged to the account by AHA. 

o    Any declined, late and/or missed credit card charges/payments are subject to a $25 administration/late fee by AHA.

o    Any declined, late and/or missed ACH charges/payments are subject to a $40 administration/late fee ($15 by payment processing company and $25 fee by AHA).

AHA Installment Plan Policy

•     No installment plan will be offered for any program cost/tuition that is less than $1200.

•     If elected, the installment plan for each program is as follows: the first installment amount of approximately half tuition will be due and payable upon acceptance of roster spot and the remaining balance will be spread over three (3) months (July 1st, August 1st and September 1st).

•     See above for policy regarding declined, disputed, late and/or missed charges/payments.

•     Full payment is required before the start of the season’s program otherwise player may not be able to participate and play in the program.

AHA Optional Refund Protection

This refund protection is to provide families an opportunity to be able to request a refund during the season for various personal reasons.

•     Refund protection fee is 10% of the season’s program cost/tuition and any refund request will be prorated (less a 5% administration and jersey fee) based on when the refund is requested.

•     Refund protection fee does not qualify for installment payment plan (i.e. the refund protection fee must be paid in full upon registering).

•     No refund protection will be offered for LTS/LTP.

Financial Assistance

AHA provides financial assistance to those in need.

Please submit your request to and it will be reviewed case by case by the finance committee.

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