Mite House League

Thank you for your interest in the world famous Andover Hockey Association Mite House League (aka the "MHL"), one of the longest running and largest mite level development programs in New England!
Boys and girls who are birth years 2016-2018 and have completed AHA's Learn to Play (or a comparable program) are eligible. Children from Andover and all surrounding areas are welcome to join the action.
The MHL season runs from September to March. Players in the MHL generally have two hours of practice and one game per week. There are no sessions Thanksgiving or Christmas weekends.
Throughout the season, MHL players can also participate in holiday tournaments and games against other development teams, as well as supplemental skills and athletic training. Plus, MHL families are always planning fun and creative team bonding experiences, such as "Santa Skates" and "Five Minutes of Fame" at local high school and college hockey games.
The season culminates with the celebrated AHA MHL Tournament of Champions in March.
Games are played on the weekends using the USA Hockey half-ice format, with volunteer referees. There are no assigned positions and everyone "passes the pads" for a chance to play goalie.
All games and practices are held at the world class Phillips Academy Ice Rinks complex on Main Street in Andover, conveniently located minutes from Routes 93 and 495 and steps from plenty of dining and shopping options in downtown Andover.
Space is Limited Register Today!
Due to the popularity of the MHL program, space is limited. If you have a budding hockey player in your family please register today! Any questions please contact

Phillips Academy Ice Rinks
254 S. Main St, Andover
Two weekly practices
Once per week
Jerseys will be provided
Please see the registration page for further details
2024-2025 MHL
This registration is for the 2024-2025 AHA Mite House League Program.